Childcare testimonials 2024

Childcare Program 2

Childcare testimonials 2024
As a family of two working parents and two kids in Weston, finding reliable childcare proved challenging after our longtime nanny left. With limited flexibility at work, we couldn’t manage after-school activities. The YMCA’s aftercare program seemed temporary at first, but it has become indispensable. The caregivers are exceptional, fostering strong bonds with our children and providing a safe, nurturing environment. Our kids thrive, making friends, learning, and returning home eager to share their adventures. The program’s emphasis on positive values and community sets it apart. Logistically, it has reduced our stress immensely, eliminating worries about sick days and offering additional classes. As a working mother myself, I value the structure and independence it provides. I’m immensely grateful to Kathy and the YMCA staff for ensuring our children’s safety, happiness, and continued learning. If any Weston families are considering the program, feel free to reach out for more insights from our experience.