The Race 4 Chase summer program honors the life of Chase Michael Anthony Kowalski, a first-grader who tragically lost his life in 2012 in Sandy Hook. He loved the triathlon and won the first youth triathlon he ever attempted.
This youth triathlon training program focuses on providing kids with a safe, healthy, non-competitive environment to discover the sport. In this program, participants strengthen their skills in swimming, biking, and running and also enjoy games for team building, learning about nutrition, and building a healthy lifestyle. The program runs from June 23-August 1, 2024. All participants are required to attend the R4C finale at YMCA Camp Sloper in Southington in August.
Space is limited. Pre-registration is required with athlete contract and formal paperwork to follow prior to the start of the program.
Registrants are required to register with USA Triathlon.
Each participant must provide their own bicycle (with gears) to be left at camp Monday-Friday.
JUN 23-AUG 1, MON-FRI, 8:30AM-12:00PM
Practice at Indoor Pool & Camp Mahackeno
$10 membership fee to USAT for USA Triathlon membership
Help us keep Race 4 Chase an ongoing program in our community! If you or your company is interested in supporting this amazing program that positively develops youth in mind and body, please contact,