Take your pick from full day care for school age students or Hafaday preschool care or exciting afternoon specialty camps for to keep students active and engaged in gymnastics and dance.
School age vacation days are for students in grades K-6 and take place on most scheduled school holidays between 8:00AM – 6:00PM. Enjoy swimming, gym time, outdoor play, STEM activities and more. Kids should wear comfortable clothes as well as sneakers with socks. Please pack their bathing suit, towel, water bottle and a nut free lunch and snacks.
Hafaday will run during most school days off from 8:30 AM to 12:30 PM. Participants will have the opportunity to improve their swimming abilities and water safety knowledge in the indoor pool. In addition to swimming, campers will enjoy a variety of activities including sports, arts and crafts, and special events. Please ensure your child brings their bathing suit, towel, water bottle, extra change of clothes, and a nut-free snack.
Please note: An up-to-date health form must be submitted to complete registration for all students. A $50 non-refundable deposit is due at the time of registration and no refunds will be given once final payment is debited.