We welcome Patrick Freeman as our new Director of Health and Wellness! With over 25 years of experience in the commercial and corporate health and wellness sectors, Patrick is excited to contribute to several departments and life-changing programs at the WWFY. He is passionate about driving process improvement while impacting the gym’s day-to-day operations, and he wants people to recognize the WWFY as the best gym they’ve ever tried. Patrick’s strong athletic background and competitive spirit will positively impact our WWFY community.

Patrick says there’s no standing still – you’re either growing or going backward. He finds it fulfilling to see newer gym-goers have the courage to take on challenging exercises or more advanced programs, trusting their bodies to come back stronger. He recalls conducting a fitness assessment years ago for a member who was down on herself, disappointed with her health profile, and unsure how to improve. Patrick instilled self-worth and optimism in her, helping her focus on consistent behaviors and setting up her lifestyle for success. With a realistic plan in sight, the member signed up for personal training, and they worked together consistently 2-3 times per week for over a year. Shedding body fat and gaining appreciable strength was secondary; her strong sense of accomplishment and praise from her friends and relatives was most rewarding for Patrick.

Patrick believes in the motto “train hard, have fun.” He stresses the importance of program balance, encouraging members to look and feel better. When members ask him for advice, he always asks how their weekly workout regimen is balanced. Joining the WWFY organization means a lot to Patrick because it mirrors his value system. He is honored and gratified to be part of an organization that is in the business of impacting lives.