Group Fitness Reservations Info

This winter we have eliminated the Group Fitness RSVP process we used last year, and put a NEW, simpler process in place that prioritizes members of our YMCA over visiting members of other YMCAs. See below for our timeline, basic details, and FAQ’s:
Monday, December 11: Reservation process goes into effect for all 9:15am classes. This is to help pilot this new system and discover any unanticipated problems.
Friday, December 22: Any changes to the system will be communicated to members & staff, if necessary.
Tuesday, January 2: Reservation process goes into effect for all 8:00am, 9:15am & 10:30am classes.
Please review the following procedures & FAQs. Please read the FAQs carefully, as they answer many of the specific concerns we’ve heard from members & staff as we have sought feedback for these procedures. If you have a question that is not covered in the FAQs, please contact Shelly Goldman, Director of Health & Wellness, by email at
Group Fitness Reservation Procedure
Thank you for taking the time to read these documents carefully. Again, if you have any questions that aren’t covered in the FAQs, please contact Shelly Goldman, Director of Health & Wellness, by email at