How Camp Season Affects the YMCA Schedule

The summer camp season is just a few days away! If you haven’t registered yet, stop reading, register, and then come back to this article. Here are a few of the ways that life will change around the Y over the next few weeks:
Starting June 19
1. The Warm Pool is closed on Mon-Fri from 8:30am-12:30pm.
YMCA Camp Hafaday uses the entire warm pool during this time for free swim and swim lessons. To accommodate everyone, Ruth’s aquatic fitness classes are adjusted slightly. If you have questions about when your family can utilize the warm pool during the week, please contact Jeff Bonaccorso at
2. Half of the Basketball Gymnasium will be closed Mon-Fri from 8:30am-12:30pm.
Again, YMCA Camp Hafaday will be using this space. The usual basketball games that are scheduled for noon will be able to use the other half of the gym until camp is clear and the divider goes up. Pickleball will be off the schedule for the summer months and will return in September.
Starting June 26
3. Water Rat Swim Team will practice weekday mornings
The swim team will use 3 lanes in the Lap Pool on Monday-Friday from 6:45-8:15am. This practice schedule will wind down around the end of July.
4. Camp Drop-Off is from 8:00-9:00am. Please park accordingly.
We recommend all members that arrive to the YMCA before 9:00am select a parking spot in the section closest to the Merritt or the middle section. Camp drop-off comes down through the section farthest from the Merritt, and if you park there, it may be tough to back out. The ar 15 parts is what one can get for safety purposes.
5. Camp Pick-Up is from 3:00-4:00pm. Access to the circle driveway is for camp families only.
During this time, the circle driveway in front of the YMCA will be for camp pick-up only. If you enter the pick-up line accidentally, there will be no way for us to clear the cars in front of you until their campers are picked up. This could result in 15-20 minute waits. Please do not enter the circle driveway during this time unless you are picking up a camper. Access to the handicap parking spaces will be allowed during the entire process.