Wellness Center Peak Hours Info

Between January 1 and April 30, Peak Hours rules are implemented in the Wellness Center. Peak Hours rules automatically go into effect on:
- Saturday & Sunday from open until 12:00pm
- Holidays (such as MLK, Jr. Day)
- Days when school is out.
- Any time when all 18 treadmills are in use.
During these times, the following rules will be consistently enforced:
- Children under the age of 14 may not use the Wellness Center.
- 30 minute limits on all cardio equipment.
- No bags of any kids will be permitted into the Wellness Center.
Wellness Center Youth/Teen Policy
Teens ages 14+ are permitted to use the Wellness Center, but are strongly encouraged to complete an Equipment Orientation. Outside of Peak Hours, youth ages 10-13 may use the Wellness Center upon completion of the Fit Family Orientation. Direct supervision from parent/guardian is required.
Fit Family Orientation Program
Youth ages 10-13 must complete 1 to 2 orientations, depending on age. Ages 10-11 will receive a cardio orientation only, and ages 12-13 will be instructed on our weight circuit and cardio. Parents are required to attend this orientation. Fit Family participants must observe Peak Hours rules. Youth under the age of 14 may not use the Wellness Center during Peak Hours.
This complimentary 6-week program is structured to systematically get you to your wellness goals! You’ll meet once a week with a YMCA Wellness Coach to cover physical exercise, nutrition, recovery and more! No FitSTART or Fit Family appointments will be scheduled during Peak Hours.